Is High Refresh Rate in a Laptop Display Worth It?

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Is High Refresh Rate in a Laptop Display Worth It?

Hey guys, Areha here and today we’re going  to find out if getting a higher refresh rate  display is something you should consider paying  extra for when buying a laptop.
Most laptop displays come at 60Hz, which essentially  translates to being able to display 60 frames  per second. Many laptops offer you the choice  to pay more to upgrade the panel to a higher  refresh rate, such as 75Hz, 100Hz, or 120Hz,  just as a few examples, but is this worth  it?  First let’s start with an example. This  laptop here is the Metabox P650HP-G, I recently  did a full review on it if you’re interested.
While the base model comes with a 60Hz screen,  you can optionally pay a couple hundred dollars  to upgrade to a 120Hz screen, which is what  this model here has.
I didn’t actually know it had a 120Hz screen  when I received it, as I only have it temporarily  for review purposes, I didn’t choose the  hardware. Within the first 5 minutes in Windows  and just opening folders and installing programs,  I noticed that something was different. Everything  just seemed smoother and felt nicer. Upon  checking the display adapter settings, I found  that the display was running at 120Hz, cool!  Prior to this I had not used a panel over  60Hz, so I was keen to test it out.
After installing some games and beginning  to play, I wasn’t noticing much difference.This  was because the games I was playing with very  high settings were only just reaching the  60 frames per second mark. The graphics card  wasn’t powerful enough to push any higher  and actually take advantage of the high refresh  rate panel in most of my tests.
Now some games did get to around 100 FPS,  and I did lower the graphics settings in some  of the others to push them further, but I  think this goes to show that if you want to  actually be able to reach those high frame  rates with high settings, you’ll need an  equally powerful graphics card along with  your high refresh rate display.
In this case the graphics card is an Nvidia  1060, which while I think performs great,  is just not up to the task of running games  at max settings consistently at 120FPS. If  you want to play on high settings and get  those high refresh rates for ultimate smoothness,  I’d suggest looking at a 1070 at the minimum,  otherwise as mentioned you can play on lower  settings to achieve the necessary frame rates  to get the smooth awesomeness.
Yeah yeah, Obviously! I hear you say, but  is it actually worth it in a laptop? That  depends largely on you. Do you care about  higher FPS? If you’re happily gaming along  at 60 FPS and have no issues then by all means  save your money and keep enjoying what you  have. Upgrading to a new laptop purely for  a higher screen refresh rate can be quite  expensive and is therefore hard to recommend  unless you know you need it. On the other  hand, if you’ve got the extra money to spend  on a higher tier graphics card and higher  refresh rate panel and want some of that extra  smoothness, then this is definitely something  that you should check out.
I’d only really suggest getting the higher  refresh rate on the laptop panel itself if  you’ll be doing the majority of your gaming  through that display. For instance, if you’re  going to be gaming mostly at home, it may  make more sense for you to buy a larger monitor  with high refresh rate to plug into the laptop  and then play there. Do you really need the  high FPS with you wherever you go? Hopefully  you can see why this depends on you and your  needs, so make sure you think about these  things before buying.
It’s also worth mentioning that simply having  a higher refresh rate doesn’t stop issues  like screen tearing, to help resolve that  you’d need to look into something like G-Sync.
If you’re interested in that checkout my  is G-Sync in a laptop worth it video, I’ll  leave a link in the video description.
Unfortunately my camera can’t record at  more than 60 frames per second, and YouTube  doesn’t currently support video above this  either, so I’m not able to demonstrate the  differences in the video, it’s really something  you need to see for yourself.
If you haven’t tried a panel with higher  refresh rate out I’d suggest trying it first  if possible before buying, if one of your  friends has one or there’s one in a store  test it out and see if you notice a difference.
Although I did notice the difference on first  use, it was only after I went back to 60Hz  that I was truly able to appreciate the higher  frame rates. Is it worth the extra money?  That largely depends on you, however if you  have the money for the higher refresh rate  panel, an adequately powerful graphics card,  and will actually make use of the laptop panel  for gaming rather than an external monitor,  then yes, go for it, it just looks really  nice!  So what do you guys think about higher refresh  rate displays? Would you get one in your laptop?  Be sure to let me know your thoughts down  in the comments, and leave a like on the video  if you found it useful. Thanks for watching,  and don’t forget to subscribe for future  tech videos like this one.